LECTURE - Dr. Lewis Lancaster, Cause: One of Life's Mysteries
Tue, Aug 31
This is the first of Dr. Lewis Lancaster's "Encountering Life" lecture series, titled "Cause: One of Life's Mysteries." See Recording Link in the description below.

Time & Location
Aug 31, 2021, 7:00 PM PDT
About the Event
Scientists largely agree that our universe began with the Big Bang and that the universe has continued to expand since, well, the beginning of time. That singular event is the ultimate cause of everything in our world. However, could an endless expanse have an ethical system? After all, our human experience is framed by ethical and moral issues. If our story is narrated as a series of causes and effects, then the question is how could Buddhism deal with cause and condition in terms of ethics and morality?
Join us for Dr. Lewis Lancaster's first lecture in the "Encountering Life" series for Fall 2021, organized by the Department of Religous Studies and Religious Graduate Council. The schedule for the 5-part lecture series is as follows:
Aug. 31 - Cause: One of Life's Mysteries
Sep. 28 - Desire: Measure of Motivations
Oct. 26 - Reincarnation: Body and Spirit
Nov. 23 - Compassion: A Natural State of Cognition
Dec. 14 - Self: Active and Passive Agent
The recording of the talk is available here: Talk Recording