
Video of Lancaster - Emptiness: Not Nothing
Dr. Lewis Lancaster continues his "Buddhism as a Lived Experience" lecture series with a discussion about emptiness. This lecture was...

Video of Lancaster - Change: The Unshakable Process of Vanishing
Dr. Lewis Lancaster continues his "Buddhism as a Lived Experience" lecture series with this contemplation about change. This lecture was...

Video: Dr. John Campbell - Atiśa Dīpaṃkara and the Renaissance of Buddhism in Tibet
It is impossible to overstate the impact on Tibetan religious and cultural history of Atiśa Dīpaṃkara (982-1054) and his thirteen...

Video of Kusala U Kyi Khin - Intro to the Process of Consciousness
Dr. Ashin Kusala U Kyi Khin is the chairman and founder of International Abhidhamma Society. He is also a professor at Sitagu...

Video of Bhikkhu Bodhi - From Suffering to Joy
Organized by the Religious Studies Department and Religious Graduate Council at University of the West, Venerable Bhikkhu Bodhi gives a...

Video of Lancaster - Our 21st Century World
Organized by the Religious Studies Department and Religious Graduate Council at University of the West, Emeritus Professor at UC Berkeley...

Video of Lancaster - Detachment in Buddhist Thought
Organized by the Religious Studies Department and Religious Graduate Council at University of the West, Emeritus Professor at UC Berkeley...