The University of Cambridge Postgraduate Online Conference has been scheduled for June 21-22, 2021. The event has issued a call for paper on the topic of "Dynamic Encounters between Buddhism and the West," with the aim "to explore historical and contemporary dialogues between Buddhism and the West, while also contemplating ways of opening up new conversations."
The conference is primarily geared toward postgraduate students and has a broad scope, offering opportunities for a wide range of students from various disciplines to participate. Possible paper topics include, but is not limited to:
views of Western intellectuals on Buddhism and of Buddhist intellectuals on the West over the course of history;
similarities and differences between modern approaches to Buddhism and those of the past
mutual influence in philosophy
artistic expressions: genres, techniques and topics
Christianity and Buddhism
dynamic encounters in films
interculturality in literature
issues of comparative jurisprudence between Buddhist legal codes and Western doctrines
The window for submission is March 19, 2021 to May 9, 2021. Paper abstract (500 words) and CV should be sent to: dynamicencounters2021@gmail.com.
Additional contact:
Laura Langone, PhD candidate Department of German University of Cambridge ll544@cam.ac.uk
For more info, please visit: