Rev. Dr. Jitsujo Gauthier and Rev. Dr. Victor Gabriel--from UWest's Buddhist Chaplaincy Department--will be conducting a workshop for Zen Peacemakers International (ZPI) on Thursday, May 13, 2021 at 9am PDT. The workshop is an exploration of suffering that has manifestated in the form of climate injustice, racial discrimination, gun violence, and other society problems. The event is free and open to everyone.
Here is a brief description of the workshop (from ZPI):
"The Gate of Sweet Nectar called Kan Ro Mon (甘露門) in Japanese, and Sur ("gsur") in Tibetan, is a ceremony to feed the Hungry Ghosts. This ritual will be based on a Japanese Shingon and a Tibetan Buddhist service and has roots in the Vajrayana tradition. The service invites the wisdom energies of the Buddha families (i.e., Buddha, Vajra, Ratna, Padma, and Karma families) to be present at the feeding of the Hungry Ghosts and “evil spirits” in our lives."
The workshop format will include seated meditation and chanting together, followed by dialogue and group sharing.
To sign up for the workshop, please visit: https://hive.zenpeacemakers.org/signup.
For more information on the workshop, please visit: https://hive.zenpeacemakers.org/events/54931.